Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jack Russell Terrier Chasing Crows on Garbage Day

flicking tail
bark of a much larger dog
patrols the block
sky filled with mocking black
wings, wednesday
on the edge
of some hapazarded village
not yet old enough to be settled in it's ways
crafty corvids pry and peck
scatter disposable diapers and
chip bags to the smoky wind
the dog never stops can to can he barks
corvids flutter with bags quickly grabbed
but never have time to enjoy fully
their pillage
retreat to the wires and mock
as the mutt barks with every inch
of his tightly wound body

the dog and I are stuck
hunters drawn out of the woods
by love and Loyalty
fealty to our pack
to sit in this strange interface
with forest so close
you can smell it burning
but in spring Solomon seal and roses draw us out
fall it's dying mushrooms, highbush cranberries
filling misty air with sour indescribable dank
the crows fade
as we take to the trail
squirells tease us out of town
the crows mocking demons
of our mock creation
sentinels of our
sentence self imposed
One day the villagers will
rise up
the dog- catcher will come
that the boundries have
been breached
the barbarians are with in the gate
and it's too late to draft a bylaw
today under the tainted sky
no one notices
even to laugh
except the children
and they are on our side.